Reframing 9/11, with Theater. / by David Hwang

The new performing arts center at the World Trade Center smartly decided to hold its official opening day ceremony on Wednesday,  not today. But if all goes well, the marble cube of the Perelman Performing Arts Center (nicknamed PAC NYC) promises to replace the current recurring images of the World Trade Center site: surely, it’s more eye-catching than the two beams of light meant as an annual memorial on September 11th; maybe it will even push from memory the images of the attack on September 11th, 2001 and of the stark, smoldering ruins afterward.  After all, the 4,896 slabs of marble that make up the PAC’s exterior wall will glow every night. The glow has already made for some striking magazine spreads in Architectural Digest, and New York Magazine, and, a bit oddly,  Vogue.

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